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Apple is sought to be most prestigious company in terms of sales, customer service and since its since its debut in 2010) they have sold more than 500 iphones and 350 million iPads. Though more than 1 billion have used Apple products. This was possible due to hard work and culture of creativity in Apple core values.

The another valuable thing about iOS is that they have more than enough users to use iPhone and iPads devices. Might be you disagree Apple infiltrated your life in many and different ways.

Characteristics of Point of Sale Software

  • Data Personalization
  • Sales Reporting
  • Customer Management
  • E-commerce integration
  • Analytics of Sales
  • Mobile POS
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Fast Checkout
  • Automatic Purchasing of Inventory
  • Self-service kiosks
  • Mobile Ordering
  • Data Security
  • Mobile Payments
  • POS Integration with e-commerce
  • PCI compliance
  • Brick-and-mortar stores
  • POS software in the cloud


On another hand Android based POS Software in Saudi Arabia which is run by Google platform, which is powerhouse of searches taking place on internet. Most devices has apps that you can download on your mobile and Android tablet. There are some companies who sell tablets or proprietary equipment with POS Software pre-installed on them. The POS does different and multi functionalities which saves valuable and important time. Thus it records every transaction and generate receipts simultaneously.

Retailers have option to use POS system either Android device or iPad tablets. Some platform can be designed on organization requirement. Programs comes with custom options. If you already have communication device or tablets, it is an important consideration that you’re going to do with your device of POS Software in Saudi Arabia

Android POS system provides different and on a month-to-month bases contract which can be renewed or upgrade depend on nature of requirement laid out by management. If you’re looking for much simple and want to get most of Retail POS Software in Saudi Arabia then iOS can provide better and different solutions for retailers.

  • Customization of Point-of-sale software

Android as a mobile operating system it is open source software. It gives developers more control over software aspect. Whereas Apple’s iOS domain is enshrined with  limitations not only on software  but its is quite difficult for developers to land an App into the App Store

  • Software updates

Android and iOS both regularly sent updates to their software, In order to provide better and exceptional service, the POS Software must provide brand new version of Retail POS Software in Saudi Arabia, The key difference between Android and iOS here is that iOS apps need to go through a review and approval process every time an update gets published to the app store.


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